Office Closure
OFFICE CLOSURE 2016 | Eterno Ivica October 2016
Eterno Ivica | The acoustic Silencers Rumor Block
Installation of acoustic Silencers Rumor Block by Eterno Ivica: specialists in solution for sound insulation of facade holes and aeration and ventilation ducts
MADE expo | 8-11 Marzo 2017 | Milano
International exhibition of costruction, architecture and design
IFA-MAGAZIN • N. 3 September 2016 • Innovation für Architektur
IFA MAGAZINE: Acoustics: "reducing the reverberation time in rooms destined to sports" and "new construction systems to the achievement of high acoustic insulation in residential buildings"; Abroad: Project – DUNES CITY, Mielno, Poland-Poland.
Konferenz – design-Holzbauten
Monday, September 19 at 18.00 hours 8.30 a.m. 2016 at the University Consortium of Pordenone. House S4 Building S, Via Prasecco 3/A-Pordenone.