Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di LivenzaEterno Ivica

Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza

Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza

12 de septiembre de 2024

The sound-absorbing materials chosen to improve the acoustic performance of a room with a volume of fifteen thousand cubic metres

Acoustic comfort is often overlooked during the design phase. The materials used to create interior spaces are highly reflective (glass, plaster, marble and concrete), so the result does not guarantee a correct and homogenous distribution of sound, which is transformed into reverberation, which penalises the functionality of spaces.

This aspect is crucial, especially considering very large spaces, as in the case of the Motta di Livenza skating rink, which has a volume of 14,217.25 m³.

The Municipality of Motta di Livenza, after receiving repeated complaints from customers, appointed a Technical Acoustics Expert (TCA) to identify the best solution and reduce the acoustic problems. After carrying out a phonometric survey and analysing the results, the charged designer of the renovation chose to rely on Eterno Ivica to select the most suitable materials to reduce reverberation time. The solution identified included the installation of sound-absorbing materials on both the walls and the roof to reduce reflections, the main cause of the problem.

The room analysed is very large (29 m x 53 m) with an average height of 9.25 m and required a considerable supply of panels to reduce reverberation: 248 Phonolook Solution Rettangolo sound-absorbing panels (900 mm x 2400 mm, 5 cm thick) on the roof, fixed with steel cables and snap hooks, and 147 Phonolook Solution Rettangolo sound-absorbing panels (900 mm x 1200 mm, 10 cm thick) on the wall, mounted with a special fixing system.

Upon completion of the work, further phonometric measurements showed a significant reduction in reverberation time, with a perceptible improvement even without instruments, as shown in the graph below. The result satisfied both the client and the gymnasium users, both acoustically and aesthetically, improving acoustic comfort for the users.

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Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza

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