Eterno Ivica donates Phonolook Solution panels to create new museum area dedicated to sensory decompression

Eterno Ivica participates in the creation of a decompression space at the Immaginario Scientifico in Trieste

On 10th September, the new area of the museum dedicated to sensory decompression was inaugurated at the Immaginario Scientifico in Trieste. A space created for learning and experiencing science in action, not just as a museum.

The project is the result of a collaboration between Immaginario Scientifico and the University of Trieste, with the contribution of Fondosviluppo FVG.

Eterno Ivica participated in the project by donating customised Phonolook Solution sound-absorbing panels to correct the reverberation issues within the space. A modern and elegant aesthetic blends with the surrounding antique environment and creates a unique space. The sound-absorbing material donated also includes two informative sound-absorbing panels, which offer explanations on very important topics for Eterno Ivica: sound perception, sensory overload, sensory atypicalities and the functioning of sound-absorbing and sound-insulating material.

The project, designed to improve the visitor experience for people with sensory or cognitive disabilities, is presented as a ‘refuge where one can regain sensory balance’ and get away from the voices found in a museum.

The decompression space includes a special seat, covered in sound-absorbing material, known as the ‘Alone-Together Seat’, a piece of furniture designed during the research study ‘La Casa Sensibile - Senshome’, led by Professor Scavuzzo of the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste.

The idea intended for the home environment has been adapted specifically for a common museum space, thanks to the evolution of the project, now called ‘BeSenshome’. The seat offers seating for up to two people, and was created to promote the sensory well-being of people with autism or other sensory and cognitive disabilities. In this way, a true refuge is created for anyone who needs a quiet space in which to rebalance their senses.

The decompression space becomes a tool for scientific dissemination. The public has the opportunity to learn more about the multidisciplinary research conducted by the University of Trieste, with a special focus on neurodiversity and sensory atypicality.

Eterno Ivica is combined with Immaginario Scientifico and the University of Trieste in their focus on accessibility and inclusion.

Eternoivica s.r.l